WebClub-NITK / Hacktoberfest-2k20

Repository for Hacktoberfest 2020 Meetup at NITK Surathkal
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Solve String Transformation #78

Closed SPandeyCodes closed 4 years ago

SPandeyCodes commented 4 years ago

Resolves Issue #<70>


Find the least number of operations required to transform a given string into another given string. The allowed operations are:

Add one character to the string. Remove one character from the string. Replace one character in the string. For example, the minimum number of operations required for the strings "FALL" and "TALL" is 1, because you can replace F with T.

Calculate the least number of operations required for two given strings.

Input: The first input line has a string of length n that contains characters between A–Z. The second input line has a string of length m that contains characters between A–Z.

Output: Print the minimum number of required operations.

Constraints: 1 ≤ n, m ≤5000

Technical Specifications

Used C++

How to run

Run the c+ program.


SPandeyCodes commented 4 years ago

@varun-raghavendra Please review.

varun-raghavendra commented 4 years ago

Please check your file again. Improve upon your answer. You have time till tomorrow 12 PM.

krithikvaidya commented 4 years ago

@varun-raghavendra tell me if it's okay to merge now

varun-raghavendra commented 4 years ago

It's still not okay. The issue is open again