WebCuratorTool / webcurator

The root of the webcurator tool project, containing all modules needed to run a fully functional webcurator tool.
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3.1.5/bug fix custom deposit #100

Closed leefrank9527 closed 4 months ago

leefrank9527 commented 4 months ago

Add additional configuration for the custom deposit forms:

  1. Made the URL configurable for submit the custom deposit form. The new configuration item is located in application.properties of Store:
    # URLs that Users would use to submit the custom deposit form from browsers for
    # each of the target types, separated by comma.
    # A note on the format of this URL:
    # - If the User's Browser and WCT Digital Asset Store are deployed in the same machine(usually for DEV or Test scenarios), the default value can be used.
    # - If it is deployed behind a Fire Wall or Reverse Proxy, use the URL exposed from the Fire Wall or Reverse Proxy.
  2. WebApp will fetch the customDepositFormSubmitURLs from Store and populate that into the custom deposit form for submitting the form to Store.
obrienben commented 4 months ago

Tested and confirmed works as expected