WebCuratorTool / webcurator

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Add and edit seeds on a target #150

Open jeremy-liss opened 1 month ago

jeremy-liss commented 1 month ago

TODO - when GET Harvest Auth and Auth agent endpoints are complete:

leefrank9527 commented 3 weeks ago
  1. It's good to set the selected model for Dropdown:
    const selectedAuthorisationOption = ref('Auto');
    <Dropdown v-model="selectedAuthorisationOption" :options="['Auto', 'Add Later']"/>
  2. The code blocks about Groups, Seeds, Archive options can be abstracted and wrapped in components.
  3. Duplicated seed urls are allowed, and the operation on the row will be applied to all the duplicated rows, that looks strange.
  4. That would be better to show an error message if it's failed to save the data. A Toast window can be tipped at the corner.
  5. The header name is missing for the action column. In the Old UI, there are "View Permission" and "Unlink Permission" actions.
jeremy-liss commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the feedback @leefrank9527

  1. I've added a model to the dropdown
  2. I agree, Seeds and Groups are large and have a lot of functionality specific to them, so I have moved them to their own containers. I think Archive Options is quite a small block, and doesn't have any functions, so I have left it where it is for now
  3. I've added a check to see if the seed already exists on the target and an error message if it does
  4. I've added error and success toasts on save target. Also removed the status code from the rest api error message to make it a bit more readable to users. Maybe we could look at improving error messages/objects in future
  5. Have added the actions column name - we can add the permission buttons when the Harvest Auth and Auth Agent endpoints are done