WebCuratorTool / webcurator

The root of the webcurator tool project, containing all modules needed to run a fully functional webcurator tool.
Apache License 2.0
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wct/war to wct/lib #27

Closed jmvezic closed 3 years ago

jmvezic commented 3 years ago

Fixed the path to .war and .jar files - they are in the lib folder, not war folder, when downloading the WCT binaries.

obrienben commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jmvezic. Would you mind also modifying the text just below your change to reflect the new dir name?

user@host:/tmp/wct$ cd war
user@host:/tmp/wct/war$ cp * /usr/local/wct
jmvezic commented 3 years ago


Done! Also changed the .jar and .war filenames to reflect new version.