WebDevStudios / CLI-Cheat-Sheet

A command line cheat sheet. (CLI is not a scary place!)
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Cheatsheet should mention it is OS X specific #10

Open lancewillett opened 10 years ago

lancewillett commented 10 years ago

This cheatsheet is awesome! I love it.

One big thing, though, many commands are OS X specific. Should that be mentioned up front? Could trip up somebody learning CLI and trying to apply those commands on Linux or another OS.

Examples: pbcopy and open.

jtsternberg commented 10 years ago

@lancewillett excellent point and we are trying our best to point that out. I think we did a decent job clarifying that with the open command, but if you see it used elsewhere and not mentioned, please let us know. Also, we'll update the pbcopy command. Thank you!

lancewillett commented 10 years ago

Will do, thanks for adding the inline notes.

jtsternberg commented 10 years ago
