Closed JayWood closed 9 years ago
Ran into an issue today when updating to WordPress 4.3, this line breaks the entire JS on the edit page: /wds-cmbw-date-range-field.php::131
The fatal error, though it points to jQuery, not any script on the project, which is weird.
Commenting out that form field fixes the JS issue.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'length' in false
i get this with wp 4.3 as well, the date range field type is unusable
Fixed in #6
Ran into an issue today when updating to WordPress 4.3, this line breaks the entire JS on the edit page: /wds-cmbw-date-range-field.php::131
The fatal error, though it points to jQuery, not any script on the project, which is weird.
Commenting out that form field fixes the JS issue.