WebDevStudios / Taxonomy_Core

A tool to make custom taxonomy registration just a bit simpler. Automatically registers taxonomy labels, and provides helpful methods.
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Backward support #2

Closed Mte90 closed 9 years ago

Mte90 commented 9 years ago

With this code (that works with the precedent version of this library)

                array( __( 'Demo Section', $this->get_plugin_slug() ), __( 'Demo Sections', $this->get_plugin_slug() ), 'demo-section' ), array(
            'public' => true,
            'capabilities' => array(
                'assign_terms' => 'edit_posts',
                ), array( 'demo' )

I get this error

It is required to pass a single, plural and slug string to Taxonomy_Core

Also in the code i read some string of about CPT_Core like https://github.com/WebDevStudios/Taxonomy_Core/blob/master/Taxonomy_Core.php#L76

Also in the Taxonomy_Core i read some reference for $cpt that not exist in this library but exist in CPT_Core. Maybe wrong ctrl + c/ctrl + v :-D