WebDevStudios / Taxonomy_Core

A tool to make custom taxonomy registration just a bit simpler. Automatically registers taxonomy labels, and provides helpful methods.
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taxonomies not updating until after page refresh #9

Open ashgoodman opened 8 years ago

ashgoodman commented 8 years ago

on edit-tags.php , post.php (edit post screen) and post-new.php the jquery to update the displayed taxonomies/show newly created tag or category does not seem to work. It still creates the new tag or category, but does not display it until after page refresh

This seems to solve the problem http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/171982/quick-edit-selected-custom-taxonomy-not-refreshing-after-save

but breaks the woredpress menu jquery popup for menu items no longer displayed when on the screen the script is called on

Sadly this is beyond my coding skills to correct

PavelK27 commented 7 years ago


I'm not sure if it's actual, but I can't replicate this on WordPress 4.8 and the current version of Taxonomy Core. Both the update and creation process work fine for me, changes appear without page refresh. @ashgoodman could you please confirm?
