WebDevStudios / oops-wp

A collection of abstract classes, interfaces, and traits to promote object-oriented programming practices in WordPress.
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Refactor EditorBlock to simplify block registration. #20

Open jmichaelward opened 5 years ago

jmichaelward commented 5 years ago

The EditorBlock structure was developed as an initial attempt to capture the basics of what's needed to register a custom block for the WordPress editor. Unfortunately, in its current state, it doesn't meet one of the aims of OOPS-WP, which is to make registration of custom WordPress elements as quick and painless as possible.

After some discussion with both front-end and back-end engineers today, we've come to the conclusion that refinements are needed to streamline this process. The primary changes that are necessary include:

In light of these changes, it's likely that this update will break compatibility with the existing EditorBlock contract. If that is the case, then inclusion of this change into the library should result in a full version increase in OOPS-WP.