WebDevStudios / oops-wp

A collection of abstract classes, interfaces, and traits to promote object-oriented programming practices in WordPress.
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Refactor/meta box support #25

Closed jmichaelward closed 3 years ago

jmichaelward commented 4 years ago

This is a refactor of @tommcfarlin's original pull request here: https://github.com/WebDevStudios/oops-wp/pull/18

There's quite a bit of new changes happening here. This is a general list:

Additional Details

First, I'd like to thank Tom for taking a first pass on the MetaBox abstraction, and I would also like to apologize that it has taken this long to get a refactor in place. I'm hopeful that these changes will allow us to move forward and get this introduced into the next release of OOPS-WP.

As with the other structures in OOPS-WP, the goal for this MetaBox class is to make registering custom metaboxes within WordPress as seamless as possible. Since these classes generally represent some kind of model, we want the concrete instances to define all of their own properties, so that engineers who need to work on updating a particular part of the model can look at a focused section of the codebase.

Class Constructor

In the original PR, MetaBox properties were being passed in to the constructor. In most other cases, I think this is the correct approach, but I chose to remove the constructor in this refactor for a couple reasons:

  1. It moves the responsibility of defining each MetaBox into a service that creates MetaBoxes, instead of the MetaBox defining itself.
  2. It therefore doesn't abide by the same structure as other ContentType objects previously defined in OOPS-WP (e.g., PostType, Taxonomy, Shortcode).

Because of the way we handle registration of these ContentTypes, we facilitate the engineering experience by throwing exceptions when properties on the class are forgotten or incorrectly defined. By eliminating the separation between those definitions, I think we can provide better clarity to help engineers more easily register metaboxes when they need them.

Updated Exception Checking

Three properties are required to define a MetaBox: an $id, a $title, and a $screen. The optional values of a MetaBox, although optional, still must abide by a contract within WordPress, so we've introduced exception handling for properties that are incorrect.

Contract Updates

Tom correctly determined in his original PR that all MetaBoxes must be rendered, but the original PR did not require extending objects to implement a render method. That is corrected in this PR - the MetaBoxInterface extends Renderable, so PHP will throw an error if concrete MetaBoxes do not create this method.

Additionally, I replaced the original extension of ContentType with the new MetaBoxInterface implementation for a few reasons:

  1. Other ContentType objects have a different method signature that requires the passing in of array arguments. MetaBox registration in WordPress is very explicit about the arguments it accepts. Using the get_default_args and get_args format of the other ContentType elements is contrary to the goals of OOPS-WP, which is to make it easier to register these elements. Associative array usage dictates the need to remember the specific keys and structures engineers must try to implement, and since metaboxes are extremely explicit, I felt it best to follow that same structure here.
  2. Though a MetaBox can have the responsibility of saving content, it is inherently itself not a ContentType. In hindsight, it's possible that a Taxonomy is not a ContentType, either, even if it might share the same interface as a PostType. We might need some continued discussions around this. Importantly, though, a MetaBox could be registered simply to display instructions or other kinds of information to a user in the Dashboard, and as such, it is a distinctly different structure.
  3. To further drive home the previous point, the original PR was extending ContentType, then was forced to implement a method it didn't need. This breaks the Interface Segregation Principle of SOLID - itself a code smell that suggested a new interface was needed. Hopefully we've addressed that here by creating the new MetaBoxInterface.

Additional Work Is Needed

I think this is a proper first version of a Metabox class, but acknowledge that there is more work to consider. In Tom's PR, he indicated the need for some (most?) metaboxes to save data, and as such, the requirement to register hooks to do so during given events.

For other structures, we typically call register_hooks from within a Service - for instance, a ContentRegistrar might create PostType and Taxonomy objects during the init action, so that Service would create a callback method to perform those operations and call register each object.

How a given MetaBox saves data, however, is somewhat different. I'm not sure it's the responsibility of a MetaBoxService to know the details about saving a given MetaBox's data, but I also don't know that it's the responsibility of the MetaBox either - its job is to register itself, to know how to render on the screen, and to know which arguments it needs for a callback. I think we should have some conversations about what this looks like. Should a MetaBox have an event handler of some type? Should it register hooks during its register procedure if it has hooks to register? Not all MetaBox objects will need to save or care about events in WordPress, so that may need to be at the engineer's discretion on a case-by-case basis. There's nothing that prevents an engineer from implementing Hookable on a concrete object.

Let's discuss this further during the BEE scrum this week so we can get more ideas and feedback. That said, I'd appreciate some eyes on this PR so we can determine whether it meets the general short-term need of registering metaboxes within WordPress.

salcode commented 4 years ago

The first thing I noticed is we've got a merge commit bringing 0.2.1 into this branch. I'd love to see a rebase here instead - I find it helps me track the changes more easily (and it makes for a cleaner history, which makes the uptight part of me happy 😀).

I'm still reviewing with regards to content.

jmichaelward commented 4 years ago

I'd love to see a rebase here instead - I find it helps me track the changes more easily (and it makes for a cleaner history, which makes the uptight part of me happy 😀).

@salcode Done, thanks.