WebDevStudios / wd_s

A starter theme from WebDevStudios.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Create Gulp based theme generator #153

Closed gregrickaby closed 8 years ago

gregrickaby commented 8 years ago

Based on both conversations internally and on #64, @briannaorg is going to attempt to create a theme generator using Gulp. What I'd like to see is someone clone/download wd_s and then type: npm install && gulp wd_s to get spun up.

Following the current search/place instructions (as listed in the readme), here are some requirements:

gregrickaby commented 8 years ago

Now that https://wdunderscores.com is up and running; do we still want to pursure this @briannaorg?

briannaorg commented 8 years ago

I assumed https://wdunderscores.com was intended to replace this. The results of my work over here basically took us to the same place as the grunt init generator for wd_s that is already working - instead of a simple JS-based search and replace in the same directory using gulp tasks, we would have to have the files in a separate directory and write a Slush generator for it. Which is fine, but the grunt init generator already does this, https://wdunderscores.com already does it, it's not really useful if it forces us to change up the directory structure so it's difficult to sync to the master _s repo.

So no, I don't think we want to pursue it, it doesn't offer anything we don't already have, it just adds maintenance difficulty.

gregrickaby commented 8 years ago
