WebDevStudios / wds-block-starter

A block starter for projects.
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Feature/remove oopswp #10

Closed gregrickaby closed 4 years ago

gregrickaby commented 4 years ago

Closes #5

Removing OOPS-WP based on the need to get the Block Starter out the door, right now. I still want to add OOPS-WP in the future.

I literally grabbed this chunk of code from the official Gutenberg docs to get this plugin to enqueue assets properly.

Also made a couple of housecleaning tweaks to package.json/composer.json, added .editorconfig, and bumped NPM dependencies.

michealengland commented 4 years ago

I did a quick local test and this feature works great. Everything loads as expected on the frontend and in the editor.

I also performed a quick test to see what would happen if an editor.css file was not located in the build directory. I think it's safe to open a new issue for file checking styles for before enqueuing as I could see this happening in some cases.