WebDevStudios / wds-block-starter

A block starter for projects.
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WDS Block Starter Wiki #2

Open michealengland opened 4 years ago

michealengland commented 4 years ago

Update the following categories with documentation. For each category, assume that you're going to add this feature to the block starter and write up a basic example of how that works and best practices.

michealengland commented 4 years ago

Update 3/30

After discussion with @salcode and @donmhico there is a lot confusion around the best practices for using imports vs destructuring. I'm think it's a great idea to add a section for "Block Dependencies" to the Wiki. Also, this would be a great place to give an example of adding support for a package that is not included by WP Scripts or requires an external NPM package.

michealengland commented 4 years ago

Status Updates 3/30

Tracking updates, some of the names for the content pages have been updated.