WebDevStudios / wds-block-starter

A block starter for projects.
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PostCSS Configuration #9

Closed michealengland closed 4 years ago

michealengland commented 4 years ago

PostCSS Configuration

The following features need to be improved for this plugin to be useable in a production environment.

  1. npm run build should generate minified production ready files
  2. Sass-like features should be tested and verified Note: a bug was found where // comments did caused the build to fail
  3. Cache-busting on styles needs tested
  4. Autoprefixer and additional settings that might be utilized in other WDS projects such as wd_s
  5. Verify that source maps and styles work as expected between npm run start and npm run build
michealengland commented 4 years ago

I made a lot of progress and still have some work to do here before the PR for this issue can be submitted.

WIP Branch


Feature Testing Branch


Features Added

Remaining Tasks