WebDevStudios / wp-search-with-algolia

Improve search on your site. Autocomplete is included, along with full control over look, feel and relevance.
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Changing the interface #373

Closed abdulkadernsu closed 10 months ago

abdulkadernsu commented 10 months ago

How can I rename this? I have tried to grab the css but when I try to inspect it gets vanished :(


Thanks in Advance

tw2113 commented 10 months ago

Set SCRIPT_DEBUG to true in your wp-config to persist the dropdown, allowing for some better access to inspect/tinker.

That said, the header text is provided by the label column field in the Autocomplete settings page. Alternatively at https://github.com/WebDevStudios/wp-search-with-algolia/blob/main/templates/autocomplete.php#L14-L19 but this small block of code is used for any content types chosen.

tw2113 commented 10 months ago

Closing the issue as a non-issue and more support questions