WebEferen / flutter_wallet_card

Flutter Wallet Card plugin (iOS & Android)
MIT License
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Unhandled Exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' #15

Open elninho22 opened 4 months ago

elninho22 commented 4 months ago

error when adding/testing official apple examples wallets, I receive the following error:

Can you help me please, thank you very much.

example pkpass attachment

[ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String'

0 new PasskitField.fromJson (package:flutter_wallet_card/models/PasskitField.dart:29:18)

1 new PasskitStructure.fromJson. (package:flutter_wallet_card/models/PasskitStructure.dart:47:37)

2 MappedListIterable.elementAt (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:425:31)

3 ListIterator.moveNext (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:354:26)

4 new _GrowableList._ofEfficientLengthIterable (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:189:27)

5 new _GrowableList.of (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:150:28)

6 new List.of (dart:core-patch/array_patch.dart:39:18)

7 ListIterable.toList (dart:_internal/iterable.dart:224:7)

8 new PasskitStructure.fromJson (package:flutter_wallet_card/models/PasskitStructure.dart:48:12)

9 PasskitPass._structure (package:flutter_wallet_card/models/PasskitPass.dart:229:50)

10 new PasskitPass.fromJson (package:fl<…>

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! Doctor found issues in 1 category. Generic.pkpass.zip

WebEferen commented 3 months ago

Hi @elninho22,

Will take a look at it - looks like Apple has changes some properties for the passkit. I need to reflect those changes :)

timmaffett commented 2 months ago

You need to change PasskitFIeld.dart 's fromJson() method to something like this:

  factory PasskitField.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return PasskitField(
      key: json['key']?.toString() ?? '',
      value: json['value']?.toString() ?? '',
      label: json['label']?.toString(),
      changeMessage: json['changeMessage']?.toString(),

when to make sure types (like int in your case) get promoted to a String. The fields that can't be null also need to have the ?? '' appended so that a default String value is provided.

I have just started trying this package out, but I will most likely be providing a PR to address this and any other issues I find.

WebEferen commented 2 months ago

Great @timmaffett Unfortunately I don't have enough time to tackle issues due to limited availability. Would be awesome to get some help in order to keep library up-to-date ☺️