WebEferen / flutter_wallet_card

Flutter Wallet Card plugin (iOS & Android)
MIT License
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Generate from scratch #9

Closed Salam-pc closed 10 months ago

Salam-pc commented 11 months ago

can you pls add an example for Generate from scratch method . i'm getting false for FlutterWalletCard.addPassKit(samplefile) and don't know where is the issue

WebEferen commented 10 months ago

Steps to generate signatures/keys/certificates from scratch:

  1. Create Signer class For that you will need to have two files which can be created and exported using Apple's KeyChain or OpenSSL.
  final signer = Signer(
    wwdrPem: wwdrPem, // this is File class that represents wwdrPem key
    certificateP12: certP12, // this is File class representing .p12 key
    directory: certificates, // output directory where signer should create signature in the future
  1. Generate required certificates (cert + key) For that you need to call two signer methods:
await Future.wait([
     signer.generateCertificate(), // there is also a possibility to specify password key (argument)
  1. Generate signature Generate signature that will sign all the generated files

Example manifest file (it is containing sha1 hashes of the files to verify integrity) https://github.com/WebEferen/flutter_wallet_card/blob/master/test/fixtures/example_passkit/manifest.json

For manifest generation you can also use Creators helper (and it's create manifest method): https://github.com/WebEferen/flutter_wallet_card/blob/0b65916ba0d22844bd6cee7ea5e0b825384b6673/lib/core/creators.dart#L21

final manifest = File(....);
await signer.generateSignature(manifest: manifest);
  1. With generated signature, instantiate Passkit class:
final outputDirectory = Directory(...);
final passkit = Passkit(directoryName: outputDirectory.path);

final generated = await passkit.generate(
          id: 'some_id',
          pkpass: pkpass, // You should also have pkpass file already generated
          directory: outputDirectory,
          signature: signaturePath, // Path to the previously generated signature
          manifest: manifestPath, // Path to the previously generated manifest
          passkitPass: passkitPath, // Path to the passkit file

For reference you can follow the test suite (to see how it works under the hood):

Best, Mike.

Salam-pc commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your assistance when I had a question. Your help was greatly appreciated!