WebFuzzForge / wenum

Wfuzz fork
GNU General Public License v2.0
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plugin to utilize iis shortnames #61

Closed percepo closed 10 months ago

percepo commented 1 year ago

Possibility of using a shortname scanner should be evaluated. If it is capable of finding valid directories, a plugin may be suitable which triggers on detected IIS servers (e.g. and most likely by header)

percepo commented 10 months ago

Its not easy to stumble upon Short name enumeration without dedicating noticable amounts of effort into probing responses for special requests. On top of that, going through enumerated short names to their actual long names is not trivial, and can only work with successful guess work on "completing" the identified short name's rest of the characters. In effect, while this may have some use, it seems far from useful enough to prioritize including this as a script. For the near future, this will be closed