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Upload native aquarium one one map version #29

Closed JiangYizhou closed 5 years ago

JiangYizhou commented 5 years ago

This version is similar to WebGL Aquarium. It uses shader reflection to query uniform index and std::map to maintain name string and value like what WebGL version does. However, this version is not easy to extend for other backends. If WebGL Aquarium will use uniform block, the resource binding part has to be refactored too. I've also uploaded two class diagram for both oneonemap version and one in another pull request to see the difference of data structure. Btw, The pl is not supposed to run because third party libs has to be changed. We can refactor the code later if this proposal is preferred. @greggman @kenrussell @zhenyao @vonture @null77 @Kangz @kainino0x @Richard-Yunchao @gyagp @qjia7 @Jiawei-Shao @shaoboyan Please take a look when you have time. Thanks!

JiangYizhou commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your quick review, Ken. I 'll take a holiday for next 2 weeks, I'll turn back to refactor this after the holiday.

JiangYizhou commented 5 years ago

I've refactored the code and cleaned up folder of native aquarium. @greggman @kenrussell @zhenyao @vonture @null77 @Kangz @kainino0x @Richard-Yunchao @gyagp @qjia7 @Jiawei-Shao @shaoboyan Please take a look when you have time. Thanks!