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WebGL Samples and Examples
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Could the Aquarium Be Run Dynamically and use Three.js? #3

Closed computersarecool closed 8 years ago

computersarecool commented 8 years ago

Thanks for all the work you have contributed to WebGL.

I have been drawn to this Aquarium example for a long time and I have two questions:

A. Could you use a library such as Three.js to make this?

B. My real question is about the general technique:

Is the example playing synched video or is there an actual 3D scene rendered somewhere (like on a server), that each monitor / computer has a "view" into?

I am wondering if it is possible, using Three.js and Websockets, to make a flat canvas looking into a single 3D scene using different computers. That way I could roll a ball in the 3D scene on one computer, and have it roll onto the screen of another.

This last sentence is what I am all about and would love to know if you think I could accomplish this. Thanks

greggman commented 8 years ago

There's an explanation of how it works here


It's 8 machines. The only thing synced are view settings and time using websockets

Here's another example program using happyfuntimes and three.js

computersarecool commented 8 years ago

This just pointed me to (even more) "epic" stuff you've made......So friggin cool.Thanks for providing me stuff to work on!