WebGoat / WebGoat-Legacy

Legacy WebGoat 6.0 - Deliberately insecure JavaEE application
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Stored XSS Attacks challenge is not working #43

Open gartmann opened 9 years ago

gartmann commented 9 years ago

1) Enter a title 2) Enter message 3) click on the generated link => open the javascript console and you can see following error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: showResponse is not defined

nbaars commented 9 years ago

Tested the issue, on my forked branch this is no longer an issue. This is probably due to the fact that a couple of pull requests from my repository have not been merged in to WebGoat/master

nbaars commented 9 years ago

Sorry thought this was an issue on WebGoat but it is on WebGoat-Lecacy. I don't think we need to fix this on Legacy because we are close to merging all the lessons...

misfir3 commented 9 years ago

Was going to (and still probably will) ask someone to specifically look at/test XSS and CSRF lessons. I specifically am not escaping to allow for this, but want to make sure it is working as intended. The showResponse is not defined is likely an intermediate version.

Either way, can we get confirmation on this for the current development branch? Thanks!