WebKit / Speedometer

An open source repository for the Speedometer benchmark
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Network speed difference shouldn't affect score #329

Open rniwa opened 10 months ago

rniwa commented 10 months ago

See https://webkit.slack.com/archives/C05QJJZQZRQ/p1698264053662939.

Apparently the network speed difference can affect Speedometer 2.0 score. We should make sure to either verify that this doesn't happen on Speedometer 3.0 or mitigate it some way e.g. prime network cache prior to start measurements.

rniwa commented 10 months ago

The consensus here seems to be investigating adding HTTP header for caching so that browsers would consistently cache or not cache.

rniwa commented 6 months ago

I'd say this is out of v3 at this point. Perhaps v3.1?

camillobruni commented 6 months ago

Yeah, sounds good to look into this in a later version. v3.0 is not worse than v2.1 in that respect, so technically not a regression.