WebKit / Speedometer

An open source repository for the Speedometer benchmark
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The set of TodoMVC workloads listed in about.html needs to be updated. #380

Closed sulekhark closed 6 months ago

sulekhark commented 6 months ago

The text does not reflect the currently enabled workloads:


rniwa commented 6 months ago

What are the differences?

sulekhark commented 6 months ago

The current enabled workloads are given below (the differing lines are bolded). The links don't work from this issue, but they would work from about.html.

TodoMVC-JavaScript-ES5, TodoMVC-JavaScript-ES6-Webpack-Complex-DOM, TodoMVC-WebComponents, TodoMVC-React-Complex-DOM, TodoMVC-React-Redux, TodoMVC-Backbone, TodoMVC-Angular-Complex-DOM, TodoMVC-Vue, TodoMVC-jQuery, TodoMVC-Preact-Complex-DOM, TodoMVC-Svelte-Complex-DOM, TodoMVC-Lit-Complex-DOM