WebKit / Speedometer

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Vue TodoMVC source maps include full path of author's machine #385

Open lpardosixtosMs opened 6 months ago

lpardosixtosMs commented 6 months ago

The source maps for Vue TodoMVC are using the full path instead of the relative path, causing fake file changes every time a new person builds it. E.g:

"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/Users/thorstenk/Desktop/FlashDesignory/Speedometer/resources/todomvc/architecture-examples/vue/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\n


"\n\nimport exportComponent from \"/home/issackjohn/issack/Speedometer/resources/todomvc/architecture-examples/vue/node_modules/vue-loader/dist/exportHelper.js\"\n

in #376.

rniwa commented 6 months ago

Oh, can we fix this before 3.0 release?

julienw commented 6 months ago

One can see the webpack config used by vue like this:

./node_modules/.bin/vue-cli-service inspect --mode production 2>&1| less

Here we clearly see that the absolute directory is used everywhere. I'm not sure which of these impacts the source map generation. Clearly in my other non-vue webpack-based project this isn't happening.

rniwa commented 6 months ago

Removing v3-blocker keyword since this doesn't need to block the release of Speedometer 3.0.