WebKit / Speedometer

An open source repository for the Speedometer benchmark
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Add the ability to have async steps #83

Open bgrins opened 1 year ago

bgrins commented 1 year ago

There are some workloads that we hard to capture synchronously in a BenchmarkTestStep. Areas this has come up

@rniwa and I discussed a bit on WebKit Slack, and concluded

yeah, making the sync step compatible with promise seems okay to me. We just need to make sure we don't accidentally start measuring truly async stuff like network loads and such.

I don't know mechanically what will be involved with a change here, and the main runner function comments about not using Promise https://github.com/WebKit/Speedometer/blob/24b094d1cc620be0fecb04e31863dba851fa900e/resources/benchmark-runner.mjs#L230. There's also https://github.com/WebKit/Speedometer/pull/28#discussion_r1054531972 which may or may not make sense to tackle at the same time if we're going to be tweaking the core measurement function.

bgrins commented 1 year ago

Status update: @camillobruni mentioned last meeting that was on his radar in the coming weeks

rniwa commented 1 year ago

Sounds like we want to push this to v4 based on this week's sync?