WebKit / explainers

Explainers from WebKit contributors
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Add an explainer for the UndoManager API. #56

Closed whsieh closed 3 years ago

whsieh commented 3 years ago

Add the explainer.

Add a simple demo page that uses the experimental UndoManager API. This demo page implements a simple drawing web application, where each stylus stroke is undo-able and redo-able in a way that integrates with system undo/redo affordances as well (e.g. iPad undo/redo arrow buttons).

Add example screenshots (referenced in the explainer's markdown).

whsieh commented 3 years ago

Please also add a link to the new explainer to the README.md in the root directory. Thanks!

Thanks for taking a look! I added a link to UndoManager/ in the updated PR. I also added a quick recording of the demo page as well in this updated version.