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Cross-origin content #63

Closed domenic closed 4 months ago

domenic commented 3 years ago

Hi, great to see the explainer for the model element! It seems pretty cool and most of the design decisions make sense to me.

One thing I noticed was recurring text such as

However, there are cases where these current options cannot render content. This might be due to security restrictions


Rendered <model> data is not exposed to / extractable by the page in this proposal, so no tainting is required

which seem to imply that <model> might be aiming for the legacy security model used by things like <img>, where you can display cross-origin data (even without CORS enabled for the resource).

Given Spectre, and even before then the move towards ensuring the same-origin policy is respected, this seems like a bad idea for new resource-inclusion technologies. All recent resource-inclusion technologies such as CSS fonts or JS modules, have instead relied on CORS.

So, I'm hoping that <model> can do the same, and require CORS for cross-origin data.

(Another related modern security practice is to require correct Content-Type headers and not use MIME sniffing; that might be too much detail for the explainer though.)

othermaciej commented 3 years ago

These comments are not referring to loading of cross-origin content via the model element. Rather, this is considering implementations of model where the actual rendering is affected by information from the environment or content outside the page (or even other content from the page) for realistic shading/lighting. If it were possible to paint a model element to a canvas, then tainting would be required in such cases. However, that is not proposed here.

That said, it's probably good to be explicit in the explainer about whether loading of cross-origin content is allowed by default or requires CORS.

grorg commented 3 years ago

Agreed. Would using the crossorigin attribute be enough to cover the canvas tainting case? I will add that.

This document should probably also address what happens if the model data itself references cross-origin content. e.g. a texture used for a material is loaded from somewhere other than the source of the model file. Maybe the easiest thing to do for now is disallow such references?

domenic commented 3 years ago

Would using the crossorigin attribute be enough to cover the canvas tainting case? I will add that.

I think the simpler and more modern approach would be to just require the content be exposed with CORS. (I.e., use mode "cors" instead of mode "no-cors".)

Then you can never taint a canvas with these things:

Maybe the easiest thing to do for now is disallow such references?

This would be equivalent to fetching such items with mode of "same-origin". I think it would also be relatively easy to just load with mode "cors", which would let them reference public textures and such.

grorg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the explanation.

marcoscaceres commented 4 months ago

Closing as this is https://github.com/immersive-web/model-element/issues/56