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Video support for poster #79

Closed mikkoh closed 2 years ago

mikkoh commented 2 years ago

It could be argued that a Video representation of a 3D model could be a better poster than a single image. Given this could poster take a video url as an argument.

I know this opens a can of worms in regard to Video + Video Format support in browsers but is this a consideration that should be made?

grorg commented 2 years ago

I think this is a good suggestion. I'm not sure how best to allow this though, and maybe it should apply beyond model (possibly even to video - why can't a poster of a video be video?).

I suggest leaving this open until it can be migrated to the Immersive Web CG issues list.

gsnedders commented 2 years ago

(possibly even to video - why can't a poster of a video be video?)

https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=239961 suggests they can be!