WebOfTrust / WOT-terms

Concepts, terms and KERI Suite Search Engine (KERISSE)
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Future topics #138

Open kordwarshuis opened 3 months ago

kordwarshuis commented 3 months ago

Future topics. One topic per comment.

kordwarshuis commented 3 months ago

Scraping feature

kordwarshuis commented 3 months ago

Test scenario's : Mocha / Puppeteer / Jest

(Kor added:) Example / reference: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-write-end-to-end-tests-in-node-js-using-puppeteer-and-jest

kordwarshuis commented 3 months ago

Starting from InstantSearch.js v4.46.0, string-based and Hogan.js templates are deprecated. https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/building-search-ui/upgrade-guides/js/#upgrade-templates

kordwarshuis commented 3 months ago

Find alternative to dwarshuis.com for hosting proxies etc

kordwarshuis commented 3 months ago

Kor: improve scraping of container elements like

and main. element.textContent concatenates child nodes without spaces. This impacts search results

henkvancann commented 2 months ago

Find alternative to dwarshuis.com for hosting proxies etc

Would be possible with Heroku (with the 7 euro/month)