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"Find Broken Links" Github Action fails #8

Open kordwarshuis opened 1 month ago

kordwarshuis commented 1 month ago

No error message.

henkvancann commented 1 month ago

What is the action we're going to perform/result we're striving for?

kordwarshuis commented 1 month ago

It seems that the point where it goes wrong is the git push.

==> Check Github Secrets

kordwarshuis commented 1 month ago

Possible reason that Github Actions fails: GITHUB_ISSUE_AUTH_TOKEN not valid. ==> Create new token

Generate a Personal Access Token: Log In to GitHub:

Go to GitHub and log in to your account. Access Token Settings:

Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the GitHub page. Select Settings from the dropdown menu. In the left sidebar, click on Developer settings. Create a New Token:

In the Developer settings menu, select Personal access tokens. Click on Generate new token. Configure Token Scopes:

Give your token a descriptive name, like Issue Management. Under Select scopes, check the boxes for the permissions you need. For managing issues, you might need: repo (for private repositories) public_repo (for public repositories) write:issues (if specifically available) You can also select admin:repo_hook if you need to manage webhooks or other settings related to issues. Generate the Token:

Scroll down and click on Generate token. Important: Copy the token immediately and store it securely. You won’t be able to see it again.

kordwarshuis commented 1 month ago

Creating a new token did not solve the problem: “RequestError [HttpError]: Bad credentials”