WebOfTrust / keripy

Key Event Receipt Infrastructure - the spec and implementation of the KERI protocol
Apache License 2.0
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Problem issuing an ACDC with 2 edges #775

Open pSchlarb opened 2 months ago

pSchlarb commented 2 months ago




Docker mcr.microsoft.com/devcontainers/python:1-3.12-bullseye, python 3.12.3, Development Container

Expected behavior

The ACDC with 2 edges should be created in a reasonable time.

Actual behavior

The kli vc create command for the ACDC with the 2 edges (Attestation ACDC in the sample script) is hanging with the following output and not finishing (i let it run for over 30 minutes):

Waiting for TEL event witness receipts
Sending TEL events to witnesses

Steps to reproduce

Sample Script to reproduce, Devcontainer setup, ACDC schemas and witness log outputs are hosted here:


kentbull commented 1 month ago

I haven't used dev containers before. Will you add a step-by-step guide to the README.md document, or a Bash script, that reproduces what you are experiencing. Conceptually I get it, though I would need to see what OOBI resolutions are happening for AIDs and ACDC schemas to narrow down potential sources of failures.

pSchlarb commented 1 month ago

Dev Containers are basically just docker containers with all your project related dependencies and some for vscode to attach to. You basically start it, mount your workspace and work inside the container. That being said, i used the basic python devcontainer base image and just installed keripy(1.2.0-dev2) and the vlei-server.

The bash script workshop.sh in my repo is the full walkthrough(commented with regions and the logical echo output commands).

Regarding the script if used outside of a dev-container (which is also provided within that repo(.devcontainer/Dockerfile)) it should be fine if keripy and the vlei-server are installed.