WebOfTrust / keripy

Key Event Receipt Infrastructure - the spec and implementation of the KERI protocol
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Sphinx Compatible Doc Strings #96

Open SmithSamuelM opened 3 years ago

SmithSamuelM commented 3 years ago

Now that we are moving toward production, its time to clean up the python syntax and make the code docs strings compatible with the Sphinx (readthedocs) auto code documentation.

By reference hio uses the sphinx compatible docs strings. Keripy does not everywhere. some places have been updated others not. Many functions and methods have no doc string at all. There are other pythonic issues to address and some consistency issues with naming conventions.

Also part of this effort would be to use python type hints in call signatures. Eventually this would not only make the documentation cleaner but also enable us to use mypy to do hint type checking as part of unit testing.

SmithSamuelM commented 3 years ago

Python Style Guide

The Python PEPs on style have many options or allowed variants. The purpose of this document is to select a single preferred style in every case. In general this guide follows PEP-8 but specifies styles where PEP-8 is silent and varies from PEP-8 in a couple of places namely camelCase versus underscore_case

Indentation 4 spaces (detab ie no tabs convert tabs to spaces)

Naming conventions: alllowercase ALLUPPERCASE mixedCase lowerCamelCase CapitalCamelCase UpperCamelCase lower_case_with_underscores UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES Capitalized_With_Underscores lowercasenounderscores LeadingUnderscoreUpperCamelCase leadingUnderscoreLowerCamelCase


Python Standard Library methods and attributes are small case with underscores. startswith()

Python builtins are small case no underscores setattr()

Spaces between methods and top level functions: two 2

Spaces between Class Definitions: two 2

DocStrings: Triple double quotes. """ """ """If one line doc string then may be all on one line""" """ If more than one line doc string then linefeed and start even with first string such as this string. Embedded strings use 'single quotes'. """

Format for code documentation in the the Google flavor of sphinx.ext.napolean format. See https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/napoleon.html and https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/example_google.html#example-google

Napoleon supports two styles of docstrings: Google and NumPy. The main difference between the two styles is that Google uses indentation to separate sections, whereas NumPy uses underlines.

Google style:

def func(arg1, arg2): """Summary line.

Extended description of function.

    arg1 (int): Description of arg1
    arg2 (str): Description of arg2

    bool: Description of return value

return True

Acronyms: When using underscores acronyms should be all uppercase if start uppercase or all lowercase if start lowercase http_send Send_HTTP

When using CapCamelCase or mixedCase the acronyms should be treated as words httpSend sendHttp

Local Variables and function parameters: lowerCamelCase

Any name that conflicts with python reserved word: add trailing underscore: Examples: id, file, Bork_

Module Names: all lower case. End name in 'ing' so when doing namespace know that first ref is module not class such as, behaving, clustering, functioning

Package Names: all lower case. Pithy and short but evocative

Class Names:
CapCamelCase Examples: Person BigDogs

Exception Classes: CapCamelCase Example: StandardMuxError

Public Class Attributes, Class Methods, Static Methods: CapCamelCase Example: TotalInstances Storage

Private Class Attributes, Class Methods, Static Methods: leading underscore CapCamelCase, methods verbs, sequences plural nouns Example: _TotalInstances _Storage __Entries

Very Private Class Attributes, Class Methods, Static Methods (mangled with class name): leading double underscore CapCamelCase, methods verbs, sequences plural nouns Example: TotalInstances Storage __Entries

Public Instance Methods and Attributes:
lowerCamelCase, Methods should be verbs, sequences should be plural nouns Examples: getName setStyle, display, first, last, itemCount, entities, books, data

Public Module Level Methods and Attributes: lowerCamelCase, Methods should be verbs, sequences should be plural nouns Examples: getName setStyle, display, first, last, itemCount, entities, books, data

Private Instance and Attributes (not exported with from import *):
leading underscore with lowerCamelCase, Methods should be verbs, sequences plural nouns Examples: _getScore _setInternal _lastName _count _entries

Private Module Level Methods and Attributes (not exported by from import *): _underscoreLowerCamelCase Examples: _dirtyBit

Very Private Instance Methods or Attributes (mangled with class name): double leading underscore with lowerCamelCase, methods verbs, sequences plural nouns Examples: getMyName displayMoney creature secretData __entries

Constants Module Level:
UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES not meant to be changed should be numbers or strings Examples: MY_CONSTANT

Dynamic Global Variables (not Constants) Module Level: These are reserved for module level globals that may be changed in multiple places intentionally. Usually this is bad practice so special syntax is used to indicate such practice only when necessary. Capitalized_With_Underscores Examples: Bad_Practice REO_Lat_Lon_NE

SmithSamuelM commented 2 years ago

I've read thru issue https://github.com/WebOfTrust/keripy/issues/96 regarding docstrings and have two clarifying questions:

Do we want a summary statement on the same line as the first set of 3 quotes? Are we going to use "Args:" or "Parameters:"? In both cases, the issue above differs from the current keripy code.

Parameters Args and Arguments are all valid for Napolean sphinx (they are aliases of each other). So we can keep using Parameters:

I missed that the first line summary was on the same line as the triple quotes and not the first non empy line of the doc string.
So that is a change I will have to fix in my code.