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RWOT1 in San Francisco, California (November 2015)
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Semantic Web and IPFS #32

Open peacekeeper opened 8 years ago

peacekeeper commented 8 years ago

/re Trust-Exchange-An-Architecture-for-a-Permanent-Open-Trust-Network.md /re DecentralizedCooperationNeedsDecentralizedReputation.md /re Distributed-Trust-Systems-and-the-Kenyesian-Beauty-Contest.md.md /cc @jbenet /cc @harlantwood

Several papers here mention IPFS, and a lot of us are using semantic web technologies for representing profiles, relationships, tokens, and other data.

I'd be interested in mapping out how graph models such as RDF or XDI can be stored on top of IPFS' merkle DAG. I know some early thoughts on this topic exist, e.g.:

harlantwood commented 8 years ago

Thanks @peacekeeper, great exploration!

Also, IPFS is hoping to add IPLD to their upcoming 0.4 release: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipld/issues/14#issuecomment-151686128

harlantwood commented 8 years ago

/cc @dukedorje @aquabu @fractastical

peacekeeper commented 8 years ago

See @jbenet's contributions ipfs-keychain.md and ipfs-links.md

fractastical commented 8 years ago

+1 for this

harlantwood commented 8 years ago

Index/search capabilities of CRDTs being explored by IPFS. Some links:

harlantwood commented 8 years ago

Also related to the https://github.com/ipfs/archives project -- eg Freebase: https://github.com/ipfs/archives/issues/10

elf-pavlik commented 8 years ago

I tend to use RDF Dataset Normalization if storing RDF sources in filesystem, also Linked Data Signatures rely on it. The normalized g-text will always have the same checksum for particular g-snap


_source: https://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Graph_Terminology#Visual_Diagram_