WebOfTrustInfo / rwot1-sf

RWOT1 in San Francisco, California (November 2015)
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First draft of smart-signatures.md ready for review #74

Open ChristopherA opened 8 years ago

ChristopherA commented 8 years ago

/re smart-signatures.md /cc @christophera @gmaxwell @petertodd @shea256 @sipa @tjclose @shannona & Joseph Bonneau, Joseph Poon

A first draft of the smart signatures white paper is ready for review before Shannon does his final edit and we add any graphics.

Please push any changes or add suggestions here ASAP (before Monday, November 30th) as we'd like to get this white paper out before the Scaling Bitcoin summit in Hong Kong on December 6th.

I'm also particularly interested in any thoughts from @jbenet @vbuterin @dominictarr @subtly as well. We don't want to add to much to the white paper (let's ship it!), but we welcome more open questions at bottom.

sipa commented 8 years ago

Sorry, but I have no time for this until at least Hong Kong (and why is that a relevant deadline for this?)

ChristopherA commented 8 years ago

@sipa I understand if you don't have time — I'm sure preparing for the Scaling Bitcoin and Blockstream milestones has higher priority.

As it stands, the white papers are already behind schedule. We had decided at the event that we wanted to have the white papers before Thanksgiving so that we could have a virtual event in December and prep for more events in January.

I've had at least two people suggest that this particular white paper would be useful to have before the Scaling Bitcoin summit if it was possible. It is unlikely that all the other white papers will be available before then.

If you could at least do a quick pass to see if you want to put a hold on the document (i.e. you don't want to see it published yet as is as it has your name on it), it would be appreciated. If we need to hold, then we will.

ChristopherA commented 8 years ago

Last call this week! In particular adding to open questions at bottom.

@gmaxwell @petertodd @shea256 @sipa @tjclose @shannona @jbenet @vbuterin @dominictarr @subtly @joncallas @taoeffect