WebOfTrustInfo / rwot5-boston

RWOT5 in Boston, Massachusetts (October 2017)
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Data Minimization and Selective Disclosure Plan US_Canada_Attendee_WITH_Topic_Paper_5641 #56

Closed lwolberg closed 7 years ago

lwolberg commented 7 years ago


Data minimization and selective disclosure (D&S, DataMin, SelDis) are very cool applications of crypto to do magic tricks, such as proving a person is over 25 years old without revealing their birthday or even which credential vouched for the person.

These capabilities are needed for creating, storing, presenting, and verifying user-controlled credentials among other things: DataMin is one of three mitigations against privacy threats in RFC6973, it is featured in article 5 of the GDPR, the USA Privacy Act of 1974 and often appears in FIPPs. This group's goal is to standardize D&S techniques for the Verifiable Claims work (to be used in Blockchain systems supporting self-sovereign identity), an official work item of the W3C Credentials Community Group. Some topics we plan to address include Merkle trees for redaction, Progressive disclosure, CL Signature schemes (Camenisch-Lysyanskaya), ZK (zero knowledge) protocols such as Fiat-Shamir, ZK Snarks and Starks; also commercial providers such as Qredo.

Current known participants in this work item are:

The overall agenda is to bring a range of intellectual horsepower from cryptography interest/expertise to simply wrapping one's head around what we can (practically) accomplish in this space. We may pop up several levels to think through user stories to clarify the needs.

This inventory is a step towards supporting the drafting and incubating of related Internet specifications, as well as further standardization and prototyping and testing reference implementations.


Data Minimization and Selective Disclosure Repo: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/data-minimization

2010 Pfitzmann, Hansen. A terminology for talking about privacy by data minimization: Anonymity, Unlinkability, Undetectability, Unobservability, Pseudonymity, and Identity Management" Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234720523_A_terminology_for_talking_about_privacy_by_data_minimization_Anonymity_Unlinkability_Undetectability_Unobservability_Pseudonymity_and_Identity_Management

RFC6973 Cooper, Tschofenig, Aboba, Peterson, Morris, Hansen, Smith, Janet 2013. Link: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6973. The draft can also be helpful, "This document focuses on introducing terms used to describe privacy properties that support data minimization." 2012 Hansen, Tschofenig, Smith, Cooper. Privacy Terminology and Concepts. Network Working Group Internet-Draft Expires: September 13, 2012. Link: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-iab-privacy-terminology-01

Redaction Signature Suite 2016, Draft Community Group Report 26 June 2017. Longley, Sporny. Link: https://w3c-dvcg.github.io/lds-redaction2016/ "This specification describes the Redaction Signature Suite created in 2016 for the Linked Data Signatures specification. It enables a sender to redact information in a message without invalidating the digital signature."


kimdhamilton commented 7 years ago
