WebOfTrustInfo / rwot8-barcelona

RWOT8 in Barcelona, Spain (March 2019)
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[DID Namespace Records] DID Methods are already able to support this capability, n'est pas? #121

Open mwherman2000 opened 5 years ago

mwherman2000 commented 5 years ago

Reference: https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/did-namespace-records.md

@talltree For example, it is already permissible for a DID method to define second, third, etc. level of ":" separated names as part of the method-specific-idstring as described the latest proposed DID Base ABNF Syntax.

e.g. did:xyz:testnet:1234abcd

This paper should be updated to document and acknowledge this current state capability.

Is this intent of this paper to propose a universal solution across all DID methods?


  1. I believe there is a strong probability that the proposed concepts of DID namespaces will create confudsion with the current state DID method concept.

  2. For each level, it will be necessary to state which DID Resolver is to be used to resolve which proposed DID namespace? There is an existing proposal for querying the ("first level") methods within a particular DID Resolver - see use cases 6, 7, 8 in https://github.com/w3c-ccg/did-resolution/issues/32. In addition, use case 10 can be used to query second, third, etc. level names within a DID method within the scope of a particular DID resolver.

  3. Is this proposal necessary? ...or can this be requirement be "resolved" by clarifying the existing DID resolution use cases? That is, is: a) new, more complex DID Document construct needed? or... b) can be addressed using a capability within DID Resolution? I believe it can be addressed using the latter.

I believe we should strive to keep the DID Document algebra as concise as possible.