Quick run-though of key management and personal data store as implemented on Holochain.
Name(s) of speakers
Arthur Brock
Contact (phone & email)
Name of Company/Project
Holo / Holochain
Content (upload an outline or ppt or something to let us have some sense of what we need).
Google Presentation (3 slides) has a little info. We'll probably record a video for the 5 minute demo so that we don't lose time to tech glitches during demo, and I can provide that video once it's recorded.
Name of Demo
Holochain Deepkey & Personas
Demo Details (for titling)
Quick run-though of key management and personal data store as implemented on Holochain.
Name(s) of speakers
Arthur Brock
Contact (phone & email)
Name of Company/Project
Holo / Holochain
Content (upload an outline or ppt or something to let us have some sense of what we need).
Google Presentation (3 slides) has a little info. We'll probably record a video for the 5 minute demo so that we don't lose time to tech glitches during demo, and I can provide that video once it's recorded.