WebPlatformTest / HTML5test

How well does your browser support HTML5?
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Add links to w3schools on HTML properties you are testing #29

Closed tekool closed 14 years ago

tekool commented 14 years ago

It would be a great idea for HTML5 beginners to add a link on each property your are testing. I think to w3schools because I saw this made elsewhere. But as they don't include ID to create anchor links in their webpages it could be a link to the corresponding w3c HTML5 spec page of course.

NielsLeenheer commented 14 years ago

The upcoming version of html5test.com links to the relavant section of the w3 specs for each test.

tekool commented 14 years ago

Excellent, thank you. Keep up the good work!

paulirish commented 14 years ago

@tekool. let me recommend the Mozilla Development Center and the whatwg specs for reference. w3schools is unaffiliated with the w3c and has been known for providing really terrible information.

fozzy commented 14 years ago

Could you add further to this. Could the codec tests (and any other applicable tests) link to information on plugins that would enable a browser to get a better score. e.g. the WebM test links to where to get the WebM codec for the tested browser.