Description of problem: Awarded points resulting from test involving two identical targets –'My browser' and an identical browser available for comparison from the current list – are different from each other.
Steps to reproduce: Select as target browsers 'My browser', 'Firefox 58'. Both browsers must have in common the vendor and the version.
Actual results: As expected awarded points regarding the target 'My browser' are different depending the mode the test is conducted under; Default mode user (469) and safe mode (483). However awarded points regarding the targets 'My browser' and 'Firefox 58' are as well different from each other in safe mode, respectively 483 and 486.
Expected results: In safe mode, when browsers involved in a comparative test have in common the vendor and the version, awarded points resulting from such a test regarding those targets have logically to be identical..
Additional info: Tests conducted under web browser Firefox v. 58.0.1 (64-bit) for Linux, under default mode user (be it classic or private) and safe mode.
Description of problem: Awarded points resulting from test involving two identical targets –'My browser' and an identical browser available for comparison from the current list – are different from each other.
Steps to reproduce: Select as target browsers 'My browser', 'Firefox 58'. Both browsers must have in common the vendor and the version.
Actual results: As expected awarded points regarding the target 'My browser' are different depending the mode the test is conducted under; Default mode user (469) and safe mode (483). However awarded points regarding the targets 'My browser' and 'Firefox 58' are as well different from each other in safe mode, respectively 483 and 486.
Expected results: In safe mode, when browsers involved in a comparative test have in common the vendor and the version, awarded points resulting from such a test regarding those targets have logically to be identical..
Additional info: Tests conducted under web browser Firefox v. 58.0.1 (64-bit) for Linux, under default mode user (be it classic or private) and safe mode.