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As user I want to be redirected to the page previous after login #34

Closed kitos closed 6 years ago

savva-k commented 6 years ago

I will take this

savva-k commented 6 years ago

Could you clarify why do we need to redirect a user to the previous page? I've just checked the functionality, it looks okay.

kitos commented 6 years ago

Imagine you've opened page of event 1, and you decided to join it, but you can't click "I'll be there" cause you are not logged in. So you log in, and being redirected to home page.

savva-k commented 6 years ago

Got it. @kitos, I just checked it on production and I also checked it yesterday on a local machine. It works exactly as you said, so I think it's not a bug.

kitos commented 6 years ago
