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A RPi kiosk doesn't boot #23

Closed gev closed 2 years ago

gev commented 3 years ago

Hi Andrea!

I'd try to make a kiosk by your post https://webreflection.medium.com/ive-found-the-time-to-create-a-wpewebkit-based-kiosk-for-raspberry-pi-4-the-3-has-issues-with-3a651f0f320e After installing wpewebkit

bash <(curl -s https://archibold.io/kiosk/pi/wpe)

and restarting RPi doesn't boot at all

Any idias?

-- Evgeny

alwinlubbers commented 2 years ago

It looks like the link for downloading the RPi4 image is dead, it does not work for me either. It just partitions the drive and that's it. The OS won't download. The other ones work 'fine', the 64-bit image does download and boots (sort of) but after boot it keeps telling "mmcl error -22".

WebReflection commented 2 years ago

there have been changes in the 64bit version of the OS and I didn't get a chance to test those ... yet nobody in here wrote which version of the board are you using.

@alwinlubbers I have no idea what you are also talking about, but no ISO exists anymore, so I won't likely help there.

alwinlubbers commented 2 years ago

Hi there @WebReflection , The tool provided on the website (bash script) asks which version you’d like to download, as far as i can tell, the files for the fourth option won’t download. So what you’ll get is a blank SD card with a couple of partitions, but no files.

I’m using a Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB with a Samsung Evo Plus 32GB SD card. Thanks for the quick response.

WebReflection commented 2 years ago

this file doesn't ask for anything ... but maybe you are talking about B.E.N.J.A. which is completely different?

lmckeen commented 2 years ago

I had a similar issue and have yet to find a solution... it was caused by weston not respecting the require-input=false configuration value... I was able to get the device to boot if a keyboard was also plugged into my raspberry pi before booting

WebReflection commented 2 years ago

Please comment out or remove enable_uart=1 in the /boot/config.txt file or try again to install from archibold.io as that was needed at some point but it's causing kernel panic now

alwinlubbers commented 2 years ago

this file doesn't ask for anything ... but maybe you are talking about B.E.N.J.A. which is completely different?

Excuse me, you're right. Somehow ended up in the wrong repo. I was indeed my question is indeed related to B.E.N.J.A.. I'm sorry.

WebReflection commented 2 years ago


Somehow ended up in the wrong repo.

this is the right repo, it's just one repo that contains a lot of stuff ... including BENJA ... but these days BENJA is inferior to the WPEWebKit Kiosk mentioned in here, which is fully HW accelerated, plus with projects like electroff or proxied-node the clunky Electron on Pi can be easily replaced.