WebReflection / archibold.io

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A way to get install scripts from within blacklisted networks #6

Closed r0mflip closed 5 years ago

r0mflip commented 5 years ago

f***ing captchas (really starting to hate them) wont let me do anything. Please provide a way similar to the guys at nvm who provide a AIO script to get things done.

WebReflection commented 5 years ago

I've no idea what you are talking about.

r0mflip commented 5 years ago

Umm, sorry for the rant (and the language).

When Iam behind a network where most people search only for pirated software then google blacklists the network. I assume archibold.io is backed by cloudflare which uses captchas to prevent scraping and stuff. So when I run curl -s archibold.io/base all I get is HTML.

nvm guys provide their install script directly from github (which wont block with google captchas), the installation would succeed in any kind of rouge networks. I would love to find a similar thing.

I can switch to a non-blacklisted network, but then I have a data cap.

r0mflip commented 5 years ago

I can have the base file from github but then it again fetches other scripts from archibold.io. I can get all the files and edit them in place but thats a hassle. A single file with all the scripts would help very much.

WebReflection commented 5 years ago

A single file with all the scripts would help very much.

that's not going to happen. There are dozen scripts and utilities, some interfere with each other, and the structure is modular on purpose.

I might use explicit GitHub resources but so far I've used archibold everywhere in every country I've visited and never had an issue.

The project is also here as a way to learn what's needed or how to install ArchLinux, it's not a service to abuse 'cause I am spending also zero money to have this online and it'll keep staying that way.

There are two options, since you are the only one with this issue:

WebReflection commented 5 years ago

P.S. actually I am spending money for the domain, but nothing else really, and nobody is donating anything to this project so ... I won't put extreme effort to make it work everywhere simply 'cause I have hundreds projects on GitHub and this is not a priority for me, rather an hobby or side project for me, my friends, and my family (plus contributors, of course, but people usually just rant without contributing much).

Thanks for your understanding.

r0mflip commented 5 years ago

I can understand 😄

you configure your network to not bother with archibold.io domain

BTW my whole network (by which I mean my ISP's whole network range) would be bothered by captchas every single time. This is what I get when I type curl -s archibold.io/base


And it totally works fine when I get pass any cloudflare site in my browser.

you file a PR with all the scripts pointing at their raw GitHub counterpart so your router/network won't bother

By which do you mean that I make a PR or a gist of the single file and use it?

WebReflection commented 5 years ago

out of curiosity, have you tried to simply put https:// in front of your requests ?

r0mflip commented 5 years ago

out of curiosity, have you tried to simply put https:// in front of your requests ?

It's inconsistent

WebReflection commented 5 years ago

what do you mean? I've refactored everything to always use https:// upfront, which part is not consistent?

r0mflip commented 5 years ago

Sorry, my bad. Its working totally fine. I missed the commit.