WebReflection / benja

Bootable Electron Node JS Application
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Changing the ip and DNS to use SSH #35

Closed carloslira closed 6 years ago

carloslira commented 6 years ago

Hi! Great work you've got there, I'm having a issue with SSH, can you guys help me out?

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

"you guys" is just me :smiley:

I don't have any board with me for the next 3 months (I'm in South America 'till mid January 2018) but if it's a simple ArchLinux config issue I might help regardless.

I need to know what is your issue though ...

carloslira commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the answer, i just worked arround my previous problem, now I'm trying to get a 1920x1080 BrowserWindow, but I'm getting an black padding like the app doesn't fill the whole window, do you know what is going on?

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

it's regular Raspberry Pi configuration thing. You need to set disable_overscan=1 in the boot config.txt https://elinux.org/RPiconfig