WebReflection / hyperHTML

A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
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Using wires #335

Closed robhicks closed 5 years ago

robhicks commented 5 years ago

I have been using hyperHTML for over a year now.

Due to curiosity, I recently looked at lit-html. I liked the way it supported separating out certain parts of the html into separate functions, each of which returns a templateResult.

So, having spent a lot of time with hyperHTML, I thought "you can do that with hyperHTML using a wire."

So I tried something simple:

// template.js
const imageViewer = c => wire()`<odz-orchestration id="image-viewer" project-id="${c.projectId}"></odz-orchestration>`;

export default function(c) {
  if (typeof c.t === 'function') {
    return wire()`
    <div id="wrapper">

And part of the web component:

import template from './template.js';
const { bind } = window.hyperHTML;

class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.projectId = 'foo';
    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
    this.html = bind(this.shadowRoot);

  connectedCallback() {

  render() {

With some added functionality, I allowed the user to change some values the app which embedded the web component.

I noted that every time an upstream change was made, which triggered a re-render of the web component, that the odz-orchestration component got removed and then added again to the DOM.

I was surprised by this behavior. So I have concluded I may not yet understand how wire works.

Can someone enlighten me?

pinguxx commented 5 years ago

in a wire you can pass an object and an id wire(obj, ":someid"), hyper will make a relationship between that object and the wire so its not re-rendering every time, if you pass wire(c) for example, then it shouldn't recreate those parts and just update what is necessary, hope that makes sense

robhicks commented 5 years ago

@pinguxx thanks!

WebReflection commented 5 years ago

@robhicks I also suggest you have a look at lighterhtml which is the best from all worlds:

Yesterday evening I've solved one major caveat of the library, tonight I'll hopefully manage to put up a README with basic infos.

Playground here: https://codepen.io/WebReflection/pen/REqbjQ?editors=0010