WebReflection / hyperHTML

A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
ISC License
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Reuse Nodes also removed from new place #412

Closed anthony-redFox closed 1 year ago

anthony-redFox commented 1 year ago

@WebReflection I will be happy with your help in diagnostics, looks like it is domdiff issue which not checked and remove node from new Parent

Example link: https://codepen.io/anthony-redfox-the-lessful/pen/BaVqLzq?editors=0010

WebReflection commented 1 year ago

I don't see any error, and I don't know your expectations ... but you can't mess around with wires that include other wires.

Also, this project is pretty much done, not sure how I can help you forward.

WebReflection commented 1 year ago

to clarify: by "pretty much done" I mean it's in maintenance mode and it's being removed from js-benchmark-framewors too so, unless you work with my good old team at eyeo/Adblock, I suggest you move to any other alternative mentioned in the README.

I will officially deprecate this module in npm too shortly, as it does what it does, but it's not actively maintained by me due lack of time.

anthony-redFox commented 1 year ago

Created the same example with uHtml - https://codepen.io/anthony-redfox-the-lessful/pen/ExRGVoG?editors=0010 I have script error.

WebReflection commented 1 year ago

I've answered in domdiff and I am closing this. hyperHMTL is in maintenance mode (basically dead because there are modern, better, alternatives such as uhtml). Closing this as there won't be any action required.

yuretz commented 1 year ago

@WebReflection May we get a link to your answer to this in domdiff or another place? Because I cannot find it for some reason. I'm also curious, since this does apparently affect uhtml and, while being a very special corner case, still looks like a valid uhtml code, and if it is wrong or incorrect, it would be interesting to know why, just for better understanding and avoiding similar gotchas in the future.

WebReflection commented 1 year ago

@yuretz the answer is here: https://github.com/WebReflection/domdiff/pull/24#issuecomment-1338997221

yuretz commented 1 year ago

@WebReflection Thank you!