WebReflection / i18n-utils

The i18n tag function utilitities
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Doesn't let me update the already existing translations #7

Closed jaschaio closed 6 years ago

jaschaio commented 6 years ago

Whenever I run it again it doesn't seem to recognize the already existing translations within the database.

I tried with the option parameters too npx i18n-utils -o i18n.db.json -l en -t es,de main.js but I still always have to start from zero. It does recognize that there is an existing database as it gives me the existing (es, de) languages as options to the you are translating '${locale}' to which language? question. But on the actual website that open's within the Browser it doesn't displays the existing translations.

Btw. this is by far the most convenient i18n library I could find. Together with hyperHTML it's absolutely stunning how fast you can get great results.

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

can you try without npx ? maybe that's somehow cleaning up or changing env each time ? thanks

jaschaio commented 6 years ago

I still get the same problem :/ whats somehow weird is that even if I execute the command in my root directory it actually creates the database in the ./components sub-directory. But even than it should recognize the existing database within that directory on subsequent runs.

WebReflection commented 6 years ago

after a second look, I'm afraid I've left some change locally without ever pushing it.

Version 0.4 will work as you expect, sorry for the hassle.