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Errors on Opera Mini 8 #1

Closed bnjmnt4n closed 10 years ago

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

There Are Errors: 4 null (0, 0, 1) inheritance (1, 0, 1) TypeError: Cannot convert 'win' to object extending (2, 0, 0) extending null (0, 0, 1) TypeError: Cannot convert 'win' to object Class basics (3, 0, 0) Class inheritance (3, 0, 0) null inheritance (0, 0, 1) TypeError: Cannot convert 'win' to object

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

this assumes I haven't tested the page in Opera Mini … which I did. I need to know the exact version of your Opera Mini because what I can test works and is green …

edit OK, this is Bada thing … I really need to have a Bada device with Opera Mini 8 but I wonder if there's no way to update the Opera Mini version on it … didn't see Bada happening in here, sorry

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

{ "name": "Opera Mini", "version": "8.0.35158", "layout": "Presto", "prerelease": null, "os": "null", "product": null, "description": "Opera Mini 8.0.35158", "ua": "Opera/9.80 (J2ME/ MIDP; Opera Mini/8.0.35158/34.1697; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/11.10" }

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Platform.js details of my Opera Mini on my phone

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

can you please double check that this page alerts WIN! once loaded?

I think the problem is rather with my wru logic, I've never tested that with Opera Mini 8 so that might be my testing framework fault and not this specific library

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

the win! page ;-) if that works, please close this bug, thanks!

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

OK, the Opera 8 version I am testing is 8.0.35158 … which is actually already green with all my pages … what is going on here? I think you still have problems, for some unknown reason …

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Nope, still doesn't work. Alert says cannot convert win to object.

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

can you please try again? thank you

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

talking about the win page

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Yes it does error.

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Could it be due to an older version of opera parsing the site?

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

I have honestly no idea what is going on in there, the version you wrote is exactly the same I wrote so … in any case, I've ordered a second hand Samsung Bada something so I can try to fix it as soon as I have one on my hands. It's actually bad these phones are still sold but if there's a way to make it work in there, I'll find it ^_^

Stay tuned

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

btw, can you please try again this page ?

I'd like to know what you see when it alerts, thanks

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Cannot convert 'win' to object

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

wut? … you should have an alert before that … maybe cache?

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Ok. Will clear cache and try again.

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

oops cant clear cache in opera mino

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

all you have to do is to add something different to the url as query string … http://www.3site.eu/om/?whatever would do. Anyway, tomorrow I should receive the Bada phone so I can verify directly.

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

I've tried adding a few different query strings, but the result is still the same.

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

I am on bada browser in a bada 2.0 phone and I've finally found the problem with the bada browser which was incompatible at network level with synchronous XHR used in wru test … now everything is green for me. Can you lease double check? I will try to download this mini for bada now anyway.

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Just tested on default Bada browser, works fine there, but tests still error on my opera mini.

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

not in mine, I've just downloaded and installed Opera Mini and everything is green. OS Bada 2.01111272046LISS5380XX… and Opera Mini version 6.5.00018 in range 1995-2012 … actually, all my projects are green here except the last one

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

I was using Opera Mini 8, I've posted the full details above.., perhaps this is just an issue with the Opera client that is being used server-side...

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

how can you have an Opera Mini 8 when my just downloaded version is 6.5 ? Which Bada OS are you using?

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

would you mind writing me settings/about info instead of some 3rd part JavaScript to understand what's going on? Also, by any chance you are using an emulator instead of the real browser? 'cause this would explain everything to me

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

I'm using a real Bada phone, not a simulator. However, I have no idea what version of Bada my phone is running. If it helps, the phone model is Samsung Lindy, GT-M5650.

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

so the presto and Opera engine is exactly the same … it's completely unclear to me how did you end up with version 8, since last Mini for Bada is flagged 6.5 as it is in my case.

However, your phone is from 2009 and I kinda bet you are not using it on daily basis, neither it is even possible to buy it these days … so my honest question would be: are you using this phone daily and pretending any library we are talking about here will solve anything in there for your web experience, or this was a test to demonstrate this library does not really work in Opera Mini?

I am really trying to understand what I should do … because I've spent my own money to have a useless (for me) Bada phone that runs Opera Mini 6.5 that works like a charm with this library and my testing wru framework one … thanks!

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

I do use this as my phone daily, as I can't really get a new one. I reported this issue after reading your blog post on prototypal, and I was trying to help by testing on my phone's browser. However, I think this is just a rare issue, and getting this fixed isn't really a major concern as I doubt anyone still uses this OS. Thanks anyways, for trying to help with this issue.

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

@d10 I'd be more than happy to help but either you come here and we test together or I've no idea how to fix that … if you could tell me at least what your browser says in its About inside settings instead of using that script, or tell me which page you used to verify that script and the object with those info, at least I can keep researching and/or guessing and try to solve it.

What is disorienting me is that UA with J2ME/MIDP info in it … that's why I've asked if it was an emulator

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

good news is … I've finally realized how did you end up with that version of Opera, you simply downloaded it from opera.com and launched through Java app.

Well, I tell you something, if you pass through the Samsung App Store you'll find the right version of Opera Mini, the one I have, the one that works.

However, I will try to understand what is going on with this version of Opera Mini, the one I have is this:

Opera/9.80 (J2ME/ MIDP; Opera Mini/8.0.35158/34.1784; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 Version/11.10

note that part is different, so either you try again in Opera.com to download, or you install the officially supported/submitted one in the store that is not using J2ME (might be even faster then)

Updates will come soon

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

OK, the win page works with this browser and so do work all my projects except the last one which is OK since it wants ES5.1 that is not supported by Opera Mini.

If you want to use that version of Opera you can go in your Java menu, tap on Delete, select Opera Mini, then cancel it. Bear in mind this might wipe all your data you stored in that browser, but after that you can go again to opera.com and download the latest version based on J2ME of such browser.

You are right in this J2ME version settings are not working / pointless, but once you'll download this new version you'll see that everything should work as expected.

Long journey, hopefully ended.

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

P.S. also the native browser is a Webkit one, not bad at all … give it a try ;-)

WebReflection commented 10 years ago

sorry, actually it looks like if you go to m.opera.com you can re-download it maybe without loosing data

bnjmnt4n commented 10 years ago

Yep, just reinstalled Opera Mini 8, everything works fine now. Note to self: always sync data before deleting apps, now all my bookmarks and feeds are gone! Thanks for the help!