WebRockit / webrockit-ui

WebRockit UI
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Spot check page display broken/wonky when rendering mouse-over values #26

Closed halcyonardency closed 10 years ago

halcyonardency commented 10 years ago

On the spot check page, if the name of the check is too long, when mousing over the values, the value wraps to under the graphs and distort all the graphs on the page. This causes the render to move out from under the mouse, and a new render is placed under the mouse.. and so on. This creates a "jumpy" effect.

This also appears to happen if the page is too narrow.

This also causes some chaos when mousing over a nil graph value. This un-draws the value for that line -- causing the "jumpy" effect. When mixing nil values and existing values.. it looks a bit wonky.