WebSnke / Nintendo-3DS-Music

Listen to the Nintendo 3DS Music while adjusting your settings or shopping. Feel free to contribute!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Firefox Add-ons #3

Closed BananaZomber closed 1 year ago

BananaZomber commented 1 year ago

Do I just need to write the name of the website in line 10 or 11 and commit?

By the way, love this extension, great work ^^

WebSnke commented 1 year ago

It depends on whether you want to add the settings page of a website or a shopping website. Which shop or settings page would you like to add?

BananaZomber commented 1 year ago

Ohh okey, I think I get it. And the code around the names of the websites is a pattern that saves you from putting the whole URL. I thought of adding the Firefox add-ons page (https://addons.mozilla.org/es/firefox/) How would you do it? (Thanks for the reply btw)

WebSnke commented 1 year ago

Would you like to add it as a settings page?

BananaZomber commented 1 year ago

Yes, although in this case I wouldn't know how to do it. While the other sites followed the structure "site.domain", this one is addons.mozilla.org

WebSnke commented 1 year ago

Yes, although in this case I wouldn't know how to do it. While the other sites followed the structure "site.domain", this one is addons.mozilla.org

Yeah, I would leave the subdomain out.

So, you would add "mozilla" with a "|" between GitHub and Reddit. Then, you would add "edit" with a "|" next to "settings".

The line would look like this afterwards: (duolingo|github|mozilla|reddit|spotify|tutanota)\.\w{2,3}.*\/(edit|settings|preferences)|about:(?!newtab)

WebSnke commented 1 year ago

The reason why the regex looks like that now is because the settings page of addons.mozilla is https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/users/edit. Feel free to ask.

BananaZomber commented 1 year ago

Wokey, I think now I get how to add any site. Thanks for all the help ^^

WebSnke commented 1 year ago

Feel free to open as many issues as you need. I will close this one now and you can open a new one once you want to add a new settings page or shop.

WebSnke commented 1 year ago

Thanks for all the help ^^

You're welcome.