WebSorcery / testcase-generator

automates the process of generating test cases for cp. It takes input data, specified constraints, and test case conditions, and produces a set of test cases that exercise different paths and functions of the software application under test.
MIT License
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Choosing between Tailwind and Material UI for styling #1

Open ank1traj opened 1 year ago

ank1traj commented 1 year ago

We need to decide which styling library to use for our project, and we are considering either Tailwind or Material UI. Both of these libraries have their own advantages and disadvantages, and we need to weigh them carefully before making a decision.

Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to create custom designs without writing CSS from scratch. It offers a wide range of pre-designed classes that can be combined to create a unique design, and it has a minimal footprint.

Material UI, on the other hand, is a component library that provides a set of pre-designed components that can be used to create a consistent look and feel throughout the application. It offers a range of customizable components, and it has a strong focus on accessibility.

PSS2134 commented 8 months ago

Is this still up? @ank1traj